Sunday 5 June 2011

Conventional Symbols


it represent protection 
power and ect.


it represent adventures
that lies around the landscape


it represent the best thing in the wolrd
just like a king on a country

Horse and Bull 

it represent power like a bull
and horse power like a horse


it represent on the target 
or bulleyes

Cause Collateral

 The collateral we offered to our potential followers was a bracelet that we make it with our own hand and also our colours green and orange along with a tag promoting our site with a $50 gift card if they are the lucky choosen one after they post their pictures up on Facebook wearing our bracelet. 

 The bracelet itself would help them as a reminder to those who wear it to always do good for the environment and to re-use their old clothes to be made into other useful things around their home.

Tribe Symbol


Sunday 15 May 2011

Tactic of Manipulate people

Traffic Light Rush

In nowdays people like to cross road during the red traffic light
but what happen if a car sudden appear or the person next to you suddenly run?

Idea 1
so my idea was cross the road during red light with the victim of this test, then on the half way, i'll just run like there is a car rushing in. If it working the other people that cross the road will also run.

Idea 2
Install a speaker near the traffic light, then cover it boxes
the speaker are installed with a hard brake sound effect that'll be triggered by remote control.
so when people cross during the red light, then we'll triggered sound effect.

The idea was Manipulate people by their sense of hearing and sight.

Sunday 8 May 2011

my own made cause symbols

Symbols of revolution


The shield was mean for defend or protect the country by the five regulation (something like that).

The Star

The star was the first principles in Pancasila( Panca means 5, and Sila means principle).
it said "Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa" that means One Supreme divinity or in other word GOD.
and the stars pointes of 4 religion and 1 socialism.

The Chain

2nd principles "kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab" means belief in a commonly bound humanity.

The Tree

3rd principles "persatuan Indonesia" means the Unity of Indonesia. these idea was from the 1st president because this tree grow it root deep in the ground and grow so much vein that hangin on the branches, just like is all connected. so this is how it came from.

The Bull

4th principles "Kerakyatan Yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan, Dalam Permusyawaratan dan Perwakilan" means Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations amongst representatives. The bull was choosen because it was saw as social animal.

Rice and Cotton

5th principles "Keadilan Social Bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia" means social justise for the all of the people of Indonesia. this symbol symbolize the agriculture and what we Indonesian daily food.

and together they become garuda pancasila....

Causes Symbols

Pixelated Faces

Sunday 17 April 2011

how they changed their meaning..???

Actually the bearer of tattoo is an warrior 
but these days youngster wear it for acting cool, or let people think that they like a warrior or some sort of...

Earring is a girls thing
but in the fashion way
boy start wearing earring as well

Police Wear
These uniform are symbolize of protection to the people
but these day people wear it for clubbing fashion 

 Danger Sign
Originally was from the pirate flag
it got skull n sword and it means deadly
in the present people use it as a sign that help to prevent and warn people from deadly things
and also we got jackass 

Teddy Bear
Bear are symbolize violent, brutal, and strong
but people changed their view for seeing baby bear from violent to cute
and then here come the teddy bear